Orcs of Shar'Gar

The Orcs of Shar'Gar are a formidable people, inhabiting the rugged terrain of the Palestone Mountains. They thrived for centures despite their inhospitable environment, literally developing thick skin due to the sand that fills the air. They’re a spiritual people, believing in the power of the elements. Despite being subjugated by the Ebongraspian Empire, they remain a proud and fiercely independent people, fiercely loyal to their new rulers. Renowned for their skill in combat, the Orcs of Shar'Gar make formidable soldiers, feared by enemies of the empire for their strength and ferocity. Despite their fearsome reputation, however, the Orcs of Shar'Gar are also known for their strong sense of loyalty and honor, often placing the needs of the empire above their own. As such, they have become a valuable asset to the Ebongraspian military, lending their considerable might and expertise to the empire's ongoing campaigns of conquest and expansion. Orc Orc